Wednesday, July 08, 2009

WOah, where has time gone!?

Isnt is funny how time slips away sometimes. Forgot to update this recently. Not a whole lot new. I am still getting the finishing touches setup in the workshop. Right now Im getting my compressed air system setup. Other than that, I have been trying to get out a few times a week metal detecting. I enjoy it a lot, I go to new places, and it does a swell job trying to clear my head. I recently figured out how to import an image into goggle earth. I can take a historical map and lay it directly over the current view of the area. I can then plot out points of interest and see that area might be a good spot to start detecting around. Pretty fun.

Other than that, I have been kicking around the idea of a small web based business that I would run in my spare time. I have a few ideas. But send along a few if you have any. More later~

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